Blighted Shack

Blighted shacks (also known as crone shacks) are generated structures that contains a crystal ball, that are able to summon a crone.


Blighted shacks generate rarely in swamp and taiga biomes.


Blighted shacks consists of a building made of dark oak and rotten wood, with a circle of candles, that has a cauldron in the middle of it, right in front of the structure.

Inside the building contains barrels, a chest, bookshelves, a brewing stand, a loom, a flower pot with a rotten sapling planted in it, another with a red mushroom, two smokers, a furnace, a campfire, and an active crystal ball.

The floor has moss carpets, a small circle of candles, and mushrooms. The walls have some vines and the ceiling has a couple of azalea leaves hanging from a platform.

Underneath a moss carpet two blocks from the fireplace, is a ladder that leads to the shack's basement. The basement contains several skeleton skulls, cobwebs, an azalea with a soul lantern placed on top, two chests, obsidian and crying obsidian, and what looks to be a broken and decrepit cage.


Witches can spawn within the area of the shack.


  • Blighted shacks are the only place where rotten saplings spawn naturally.

  • Before its current iteration, the shack was to be made out of packed mud and mud bricks as it was inspired by the pyromancer's structure from Iron's Spells and Spellbook. It was changed as the mod author feels like they're "copying Iron's homework so to speak."

    • The inspiration comes from a discord post where a user, Mich705, posted a picture of a crone in a modified pyromancer structure.

    • The rotten wood set was made specifically for the shack.

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