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Necrotic Totem Head is a type of Totem Head that generates as part of Cursed Graveyards that can spawn in the Overworld.
Necrotic Totem Heads can be mined using a pickaxe. It drops around 15 - 45 experience if mined without Silk Touch.
Necrotic Totem Heads are naturally generated as part of the Cursed Graveyard structure, placed on top of its many Cursed Totem Poles.
Necrotic Totem Heads does nothing on its own, but when placed on top of at least three Cursed Totem Poles, it will buff any Undead mobs within 10 Blocks of its vicinity by giving them the Necro Power Effect for 900 ticks.
If a Lich player is within the block's vicinity, it will give them the effect as well.
Necro Power is an effect that provides 20% more speed, 3 more damage, 2 more armor points and 4 Absorption Hearts per level. The effect also causes the mob to stop being on fire every tick.
The effect can only be applied to Undead mobs or Liches.
Mobs drop twice the amount of experience if killed while having this effect.