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The warlock is a hostile mob that uses wartlings and snap fungi in combat.
A warlock may spawn in the Overworld above opaque blocks at a light level of 0 in all biomes except mushroom fields and deep dark biomes. Warlocks always spawn individually. Warlocks are the only mobs that can spawn in the small area around a mangrove tower.
Mangrove swamp biomes feature mangrove tower structures: every mangrove tower spawns a warlock at the top during the world generation, and never despawn. After world generation, only warlocks can spawn around the tower, provided that the entire tower is inside a mangrove swamp biome.
If "villagerConvertToWarlock" in the goety.toml is enabled, a villager has a chance to transform into a warlock when standing, at least 16 blocks above with no blocks in between, beneath a block of crying obsidian. The warlock transformed from a villager does not despawn naturally and cannot be changed back into a villager.
During Raids, warlocks have a 25% chance of riding a donkey when spawned in a wave. There's another 25% that the donkey is replaced with a mule.
One death, a warlock rolls its loot table between 1 and 3 times, selecting one of the following rows each time:
1–3 × 1/8
1–3 × 1/8
1–3 × 1/8
1–3 × 1/8
1–3 × 1/8
The warlock also have 11% with an addition of 2% per Looting level of dropping either:
A Wartful Egg.
Warlocks also have a 2.5% with an addition of 1% per Looting level of dropping a nether wart with a separate loot table of dropping their sash with the same chance.
Warlocks can also potentially drop any items they were holding before death.
Warlocks has an small chance to spawn 10 to 44 red bubbly particles above their heads. Any warlock is given the glowing status effect for three seconds when the bell block is rung within 32 blocks of it regardless of whether it participates in raids or not.
A warlock is neither an illager nor a villager. A warlock cannot use housing or the equipment in their mangrove tower, and cannot open doors. Warlocks are peaceful toward villagers and wandering traders when not participating in raids, although their snap fungi can hit one by accident.
Warlocks that participate in a raid seek out raiders, that are not witches or other warlocks, to throw berserk warts at them, which provides Speed, Strength and Nausea for 10 seconds when hit. Warlocks have a 85% damage resistance against explosions.
A warlock pursues the player within 16 blocks and attacks by spawning wartlings on themselves that will chase and attack their target. If their target is 6 or less blocks close, the warlock will hold onto a Snap Fungus for a while, before throwing 6-10 Snap Fungi above the air where they will drop and explode upon hitting a mob or the ground. They will not do this if the ceiling above them is too low.
If the warlock has at least a single negative effect on them, or has taken damage, they will spawn wartlings even when not attacking. Each time a wartling is spawned, it will take and store a negative effect from the warlock.
The wartlings, after 9 seconds and does not contain any negative effects, will return to their warlock and disappear in a cloud of smoke, healing the warlock the amount of health they've retained. If the wartling has positive effects applied to them, the warlock will receive them once the wartling returns to them. If the wartling has negative effects, they will avoid their warlock and perish, leaving behind a small lingering cloud of whatever effects they had stored.
If a warlock is riding on a donkey or a mule when they die, their steed will be instantly killed.
If the raid members kill all the villagers in a village or all the village beds are destroyed, warlocks jump and play unique sound effects in commemoration to their victory.
Warlocks are designed to have a similar design philosophy as the vanilla Witch, namely their attacks are based on a game mechanic/items, are neither villager or illager and are hostile towards the player.
The word warlock is mostly used to describe a male witch. It came from an old english word, wǣrloga, which stands for "oath-breaker" or "deceiver".
The warlock's sounds are wandering traders sounds but at a lower pitch.