Witches Set

The witches set is a set of curios that's focus on witchcraft and brewing.


Witch Neutrality

Witches, Warlocks and Crones will become neutral towards the wearer.

Witch Barter

Wearing the set allows the wearer to initiate a barter with Witches, Warlocks and Crones with an emerald by directly right-clicking on the mob with it.

Cauldron Brewing

While brewing with Witch's Cauldron, wearing either set gives a 25% of gaining an extra brew. The chances stack.


  • Wearing both robe and hat causes the player to emit witch particles above their head at times.

  • Dying while wearing the robes and witches hat will cause the player to drop sticks alongside their inventory.

Efe wearing Witches Hat and Robes

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