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Last updated
5 (Default)
A cryologer is a spell-casting illager that are found in secluded igloos, illager assaults, or as a participant in raids if a nearby player has high enough soul energy. They can cast a variety of frost spells.
A cryologer will always spawn within a Secluded Igloo during world generation.
A cryologer has a chance of spawning as part of an Illager Assault. They spawn if nearby players that have 6250 (by default) or more Soul Energy. The number of cryologers that spawns near the player increases, up to 5, the more Soul Energy the Player has.
Cryologers will spawn in Raids if at least one of the players participating in it has high enough soul energy. Cryologers can spawn on Wave 2, 3, and 7, as well as any bonus waves on hard difficulty, if "cryologerRaid" is not disabled on goety-mobs.toml.
0 - 4
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0 - 7
0 - 1
0 - 2
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0 - 4
0 - 1
0 - 2
0 - 3
0 - 4
10 experience when killed by a player or tamed wolf.
A cryologer moves at the player's sprinting speed, crosses its arms and does not show its hands.
Cryologers attack players, adult villagers, iron golems and wandering traders within 16 blocks by revealing both of their arms while looking at their target and casting various frost spells.
If a cryologer is attacked, all cryologers in a 16 block radius become alerted and start attacking the player, even if they are behind walls.
A cryologer is passive to other illagers even if it is harmed. Any cryologer can search for and join a patrol if sufficiently near a patrol captain.
Cryologers are faster without any effects during raids.
Cryologers take 85% less damage from frost attacks, can walk on Powdered Snow and is immune to Freezing.
Cryologers are given 3 seconds of the Glowing effect if a bell is rung within 32 blocks of them and affected by hook bells.
If a target is 8 blocks near the cryologer, without any glacial walls or solid block in between them, the cryologer will let loose a breath of frost which will deal 0.5 hearts, or 1 heart if targets takes extra damage from powdered snow, and inflict Freezing for 1 second to any non-allied targets in between them for 1 second.
Cryologers summon glacial walls strategically to block their targets. The walls continuously take damage before being destroyed after six seconds.
Cryologers summon a hail cloud above the target's location. The cloud drops snowflakes, which will inflict frost damage and Freezing for a second to non-allied targets below it.
Disabled by default, cryologers can summon an Ice Chunk above the target's head, much like Iceologers in Minecraft Dungeons. Can be re-enabled by setting "cryologerIceChunk" in goety-mobs.toml to true.
A glacial wall is an immovable entity that can block entities from moving through them. Unlike totemic walls, glacial walls can be damaged.
Glacial walls will continuously take damage and will automatically destroy itself when summoned by cryologers. When destroyed this way, they have a 15% chance of spawning an area effect cloud that causes entities to gain Slowness for 600 ticks.
Glacial walls takes more damage from fire and pickaxes.
Cryologers are a pun between the word cry and cryo, which was derived from an Ancient Greek word for ice and cold. The -loger part of the name derives from Iceologer's name.
Cryologers are stated to be "cousins" to the iceologers on the Black Book.
This can be seen by them sharing eye colors and having similar abilities.
Their Ice Chunk ability is disabled by default due to the mod creator feeling that it makes cryologers and iceologers less unique.
Cryologers can be seen as Goety's version of the iceologers as the mod creator refuses to add in iceologer to the mod due to the large amount of mods that added their own version of the mob.
According to the Black Book, the Illagers believed that cryologers cry out of admiration of the cold.
(If holding it)