Vexing Focus

Spell TypeMagic

Soul Cost

18 (default)

Casting Time

100 ticks (default)


340 ticks (default)

Summon Down

340 ticks (default)

Summon Limit

Cast with other Wands or Staff: 8 (default) Cast with Ominous Staff: 16 (default)

A vexing focus allows the player to summon allied vexes when equipped in a wand or staff.


Vexing focuses are crafted using a Animation Ritual.


When equipped in a Wand or Staff, the player is able to summon 3 allied Vexes after casting.

Casting with an Ominous Staff will summon 3 - 5 vexes instead.

Vexes will spawn nearby the player.

Casting while looking at a mob will cause the newly spawned vexes to target it.

Casting while pressing Shift will kill every owned Vexes and Irks.

Summon Down

After summoning, the player will receive the Summon Down effect. Subsequent summoning while having the effect will increase the effect's level and resetting with an increased duration.

Having the summon down effect will cause newly summoned vexes to get Weakness and Sapped effects, with the level depending on the summon down's level.

Summon Limit

If player owns more than the summon limit of the mob, newly summoned vexes will instantly die off and gain Wither II.


Vexing focuses can be enchanted with Potency and Duration.

Potency will cause newly summoned vexes to have Sharpness enchantment on their iron swords. The level of enchantment is equal to the level of Potency.

Duration causes newly spawned vexes to have a longer lifespan.

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