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Illague is an infectious effect that periodically gives additional negative effects.
If "illagueSpread" is set to true, the affected entity has a chance, every 5 second, to spread the effect to non-undead, non-raider and non-affected entities within 8 blocks of them. The effect will have half the duration of the original affected but still have the same effect level.
When affected, the entity emits sickly green skull particles.
The effect has a small chance of increasing its level.
If the difficulty is not on Peaceful, the effect have a chance of granting one of the 8 new negative effects randomly with the duration and level depending on the Illague's level.
Illague cannot be applied to entities that are tagged under "raiders".
If a villager dies while having this effect, they will turn into a zombie villager.
Applies effect if non-undead and non-raider entity is 8 blocks near them.
Affected Entities
I - V
Half of their effect duration
If "illagueSpread" is set to true.
Conquillagers spreading Illague is based on how the Spanish and Portuguese brought many diseases during their conquest of America.